HRJ brief overview

HRJ brief overview
HRJ brief overview
What is Horizontal Timetable (HRJ)
- The concept of long-distance passenger rail services based on fixed train routes creating a clock-face, transparent timetable that ensures convenient transfers.
- The principles of organizing the long-distance rail passenger transport market – based on the Horizontal Timetable, defining train routes that require subsidies (PSO – public service obligation) and those that are commercially viable, thereby creating one coherent system.
- A tool for the liberalization of the long-distance rail transport market from 2030 – based on the Horizontal Timetable, with tender packages defined and tenders for rail transport services announced based on the best European practices.
- A determinant of the required capacity of the rail network so that it is tailored to the timetable. In this way, it will be possible to precisely define the scope of the investment (in terms of both new and existing railway lines) and its maintenance.
- An indication of the time at which the train is expected to arrive at a particular station to ensure smooth transfers and create coherent connection system. The infrastructure intervention can be matched to a quantifiable target of a specific journey time.
- An indication of the rolling stock needed and the method of its provision.
- Determinant of financial needs related to the organization of transport services (or adapting the scale of transport to budgetary constraints).
- The principles for the evolution of the route network, allowing a gradual increase in operational work in subsequent timetables, so that the transport offer is consistent over the years.
- A tool for prioritizing investment needs, among others, based on the forecasted increase in the number of passengers and the volume of train traffic.
- A tool for the long-distance transport organizers to develop a precise transport plan, ensuring close coordination with regional traffic.
- Overall: a tool for strategic decision-making in the railway sector and for implementing market liberalization.
Horizontal Timetable will form the basis for…
- A new transport plan for interregional and international passenger transport1 defining the functioning of the long-distance transport market and constituting a framework for voivodeship plans.
- tenders for passenger transport on the entire network (implementation from the 2030/2031 timetable).
- strategic capacity planning by PLK S.A., in accordance with the requirements of the EU draft capacity regulation2.
- programming the development of railway infrastructure in Poland.
Why is it necessary to implement the Horizontal Timetable?
- The implementation of the liberalization of the long-distance transport market from 2030 is related to EU obligations – the Horizontal Timetable is the correct organization of this process, which will allow for an increase in the number of passengers, lower ticket prices and benefits for all market participants.
- Currently, the timetable is planned for the next year, and investment projects for the next 20 years. This lack of synchronization generates inefficient spending of investment funds.
- Poland will be obliged to implement the EU capacity regulation forcing long-term timetable planning.
- Every EU country with a developed railway, apart from Poland, has an equivalent of the Horizontal Timetable or its elements (Czechia, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands).
How the Horizontal Timetable is developed
Horizontal Timetable is the timetable for 2031-2040:
- Based on traffic forecasts – with known average occupancy of each train on its route and known passenger exchange at stations.
- Possible to implement – based on train traffic charts from microsimulation analyzes verifying the possibility of each train passing in practice.
- Adapted to the infrastructure capacity in a given year and transport needs.
- The result of a consultation process with the market (potential domestic and foreign carriers) and regional transport organizers (Marshal’s Offices), industry experts and social organizations.
Who is responsible for the work on the Horizontal Timetable
The Horizontal Timetable project is implemented jointly by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Centralny Port Komunikacyjny Sp. z o. o., PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., Center for EU Transport Projects in cooperation with the Office of Rail Transport.