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Action Schedule 

Action Schedule 

The current framework agreement for providing public services related to domestic and international long-distance rail passenger transport, concluded between the Minister of Infrastructure and PKP Intercity S.A., will expire on the last day of the 2029/2030 annual timetable. This means that the new operators of domestic and international long-distance passenger services operating under public service obligation (PSO) must be selected through a tender process. These operators will commence operations from the 2030/2031 annual timetable. From the perspective of 2024 this may seem like a distant deadline, it is hardly the case. The tendering procedure for selecting the operator, as broadly outlined in the Act of December 16, 2010, on Public Transport and Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, is in fact a multi-year process. Sufficient time must be allowed for the selected operator to acquire rolling stock and update the transport plan before starting the entire procedure.  

Assuming December 2030 as the start of services under a new agreement between the Minister of Infrastructure and the selected operator, the milestones for the process in a reversed order are as follows: 

  • December 2030 – Start of service operations 
  • Q1 2029 (at the latest) – Signing of contracts with selected operators 
  • Q1 2027 – Announcement of tenders for operator selection 
  • Q1 2026 – Publication of the intention to conduct the procurement procedure 
  • Q1 2026 – Adoption of the transport plan effective from the 2030/2031 annual timetable by the Minister of Infrastructure 

The interval between signing the contract and the start of services by the operator should be as long as possible. This period is essential for the operator to procure rolling stock if required by the tender conditions. New entities will need to organize themselves and achieve operational readiness, such as obtaining legally required documents (carrier licenses, safety certificates, vehicle maintenance documentation), recruiting and training personnel, and arranging access to technical facilities. 

The timeline below graphically represents the process leading to the launch of services in December 2030: