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Consultations with Potential Operators 

Consultations with Potential Operators 

One method of public review envisaged for the Horizontal Timetable is industry consultations. Both current market operators and new entities looking to enter the Polish market are invited to participate. The consultations will cover:

  • New market organization rules for public service obligation (PSO) trains in domestic and international long-distance transport segments, as well as for commercial trains planned to be launched from December 2030
  • Solutions for capacity allocation and train scheduling arrangements
  • Assessing the feasibility of operating selected services commercially instead of under public service obligations (PSO)

The idea is for the planned solutions to be developed jointly with the rail market participants. Analytical data based on traffic forecasts will be made provided during the consultation process.

Current and potential rail operators (legal entities) were invited to participate in this phase of the consultation. In total, submissions were received from more than 20 applicants. The HRJ team will hold workshop meetings with them in the following months. The planned completion of this phase is Q1 2025.

Information about Horizontal Timetable review process can be found in the Consultation Plan section.